The Problem
Plastic Pollution
Lack of Employment/Educational Opportunities
Diminishing Community Engagement
Barriers to Entry from International Resources
Underbanked Population & Predatory Remittance
Inadequate Access to Investment Opportunities
The Blockchain Solution
Data Collection
The Logistics of Plastic
How much plastic can Canoa Collect in 1 year
Collection Centers
Collection Stategies
Rainy Season vs. Dry Season
Up-cycling Solutions and Partnership Discovery
NGO’s, Private Investment, Donation, Carbon Credit Market, Government Involvement, Grants, Legal Counsel.
Communtiy Educaton & Engagment
Building A Community DAO
Educational and Commercial Oppertunites that flow back into the community to prepare and execute the plastic economy
Educational platforms online that move participants up the ladder in the ecosystem, increasing voting power through participation and engagement.
Identify local businesses that will participate in the Proof economy and provide rewards based on Proof Tokens.
Phase 1: Data Collecion
How much plastic do we have?
Where can we put it?
What are the Up-cycling Options?
Economies of Plastic?
Plastic Lumbar/Bricks/3-D Print/Sequestering
Plant Logistics?
Government Involvement/ Local/State/Federal?
What is happening with the plastic now?
Local Crypto Currency Adoption and Legal Framework
Strategic Partnerships
Private Investment
Carbon Credit Trading
Environmental Initiatives
Local, State, Federal Gov.
Fishing Industry
Ocean Awareness Efforts
Galapagos Funding Newtworks
Amazon Funding Networks
Building a DAO
Decentralized Autonomous Organization
A DAO, or Decentralized Autonomous Organization, is an organization represented by rules encoded as a computer program that is transparent, controlled by organization members, and not influenced by a outside factors that are not pre-programed. DAOs are typically implemented using blockchain technology, where smart contracts execute the rules and decisions of the organization without the need for centralized control. They aim to create decentralized systems for decision-making and governance, often in the context of cryptocurrency projects such as Proof of Plasitc.
Blockchain Solutions
By harnessing the potential of blockchain technology and smart contracts, we can develop a DAO using a series of smart contracts that autonomously allocate resources to specific portfolios. These portfolios encompass education, micro-lending, remittance programs, and investment in Bitcoin for staking in the DAO treasury, fostering long-term financial growth and adaptability.
The Proof Token serves as a means of exchange within the economy, incentivizing participation in programs like the plastic collection and processing into the Proof Token rewards program. In return for delivering plastic to collection facilities, individuals can receive Proof Tokens instead of USD.
Proof Tokens serve as a requirement for membership within the community DAO, granting access to the benefits the DAO aims to provide, subject to votes by DAO members. For example the DAO decides the current “price” of plastic etc.
As local businesses witness the positive impacts of plastic collection and removal, they are incentivized to engage with the Proof Token and the DAO in various ways. This engagement extends beyond supporting the Proof of Plastic Program to realizing marketing and advertising benefits inherent in the Proof economy.
For instance, imagine a local fisherman and his children cleaning up plastic on a Sunday beach outing. Upon delivering the collected plastic to the PoP Facility, the fisherman can opt for reimbursement in either USD or Proof Tokens.
Proof Tokens can subsequently be redeemed at local businesses for tiered discounts and other coupon-style economic marketing strategies, stimulating business activity within the local economy. For instance, 500 Proof Tokens might translate to a 20% discount at the neighborhood pizzeria.
The potential for small business engagement through community involvement is limitless. Proof Tokens seamlessly traverse the blockchain using only a smartphone and internet connection, with all transactions recorded for analytics and proof of participation.
As the investment of the DAO into Bitcoin grows overtime and goes through the economic cycles of Bitcoin 1/2ing and increasing adoption rates, the financial power of the DAO grows. This is the Proof of Plastic secret ingredient. The DAO’s growing treasure can then be leveraged into the crypto market at extremely competitive rates.
For example: I could connect to a centralized exchange and instantly use my Bitcoin for collateral to gain a loan of up to 95% of that current Bitcoin value at 8% for 180 days. The opportunity for micro lending are vast and that is the power of the DAO’s ability to collect wealth, not spend their wealth.
Leveraging the DAO
Ecuador had a substantial number of its citizens participating in remittance activities. According to data from the World Bank, in 2021, remittances to Ecuador totaled around $4.7 billion USD, making up a significant portion of the country's GDP. These remittances play a crucial role in supporting families and contributing to the economy.
Recent migration increases abroad by Ecuadorians only increases the protection needed against predatory remittance. Blockchain technologies provide this.
First Responder
When natural disasters strike, the importance of access to resources to respond in a timely manner is multiplied. In 2016, Ecuador experienced a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake. What was more frustrating than losing loved ones was the bureaucracy and red tape that needed to be navigated to get aid to the people who needed it most.
When your house collapses, you lose your ID, your ATM cards, and many other valuable possessions that can limit your access to badly needed funds and help from outside communities and international aid efforts.
Blockchain offers a solution to this problem with Currency First Responder Programs that are written into DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) smart contracts. These programs allocate a portion of the resources within the DAO to unexpected events like natural disasters, ensuring quicker and more efficient distribution of aid to those in need.
One of the main cornerstones of the DAO is continuing education. Through the power of collective resources that can be leveraged from the DAO major education initiatives can be perused and be to the benefit of the whole DAO Ecosystem.
The education around the environment is obvioius but the more subtle and impactful learning develops around the emerging economies and the investment power that a digital wallet brings with it.
The entrepreneurship circles in crypto currency and small busienss are endless. From digital coupons to community bingos, the chances for reciprical reproduce on their own as a function of the system.
Let’s say that Canoa wanted to attract a big name musical artist to come and perform for the Carnival Season.
The local government could approach the DAO for a loan to pay the artist and provide a plan to the community as to how they plan to market the event and generate enough business to justify the loan/event to the small business owners and participant in the Proof of Plastic DAO. If a compelling case is presented the DAO can vote and distribute the funds instantly and digitally to all parties concerned.
As the DAO grows in financial capacity so will the entrepreneurship endeavors around it purely from the additional access to capital.
This is in addition to the obvious benefits of the upcycling products that can be produced from the recyeclyed plastic.
Dimensional lumbar that is perfect for the tropical environment.
Water resistant
Sun resistant
Termite resistant
Perfect for outdoor spaces which are in abundance in the tropics
Fence posts.
And all for a price that is equal to or less than the local wood market.
The power of technology and access to the technologies of tomorrow are what gives one culture an advantage over another.
The power of education and access to the emerging markets of a global economy are now more important than ever to compete in an ever changing digital playing field.
Bitcoin and blockchain technology can level that playing field.
Blockchain is not only a technology but a solution.
The difference is blockchain....
The difference is Proof of Plastic
Bitcoin Stats
These statistics highlight the unparalleled financial growth trajectory of Bitcoin, setting it apart from traditional asset classes and solidifying its position as a revolutionary force in the world of finance.
This is an example of a stable coin staking mechanism that we would deploy with part of our asset portfolio to gain yield into the DAO
Bitcoin Forecast
Farming rewards for airdrops: a digtal billboard app on your phone to sell as advertising space to generate revenue for the DAO
The screenshot above showcases the Banter Bubbles app for your phone. Each bubble represents the price of different cryptocurrencies for the year, offering users a quick gauge of the market upon downloading the app.
The golden arrow indicates a "ticker" feature, which allows users to "farm" points to earn a share or portion of the airdrop donated to the community. The longer the app remains open, the more points users accumulate, leading to more rewards claimable at the end of the farming period.
The DAO will develop an app featuring a ticker and engage the community in various farming events to reward participation. Proof tokens are earned based on the time spent within the application. Educational content on environmental initiatives, local programs, and more can be provided through the app.
Additionally, advertising space can be sold to local businesses, allowing them to market to different target audiences and generating revenue for the DAO. This reward program start generating bonds within the community and excitement that you see around a raffle or a bingo in a local neighborhood. It’s a powerful engagement tool.
One of the core financial principals of the DAO is Diversification of Assets.
We are looking to gain exposure to 10 or more non-correlated revenue streams that will guide us through any economic storms that might come down the horizon.
Of course or mission is to solve the plastic problem. That’s a big problem and it will take time. This is a long term project and in that view we need to generate other enterprise and adapt to changing economic realities along the way by diversifying our scope.
That’s our base layer and what we build our mission around. We have a plastic problem on our beaches, how can we motivate and engage local communities to be an active part of the solution. Any way you cut it, you have to have some kind of driver. It doesn’t have to be a purely capitalistic contract as much as the parties involved have to feel a powerful sense of reciprocity. The shift from an extraction economy to an economy of reciprocity becomes possible when you deal in other “forms” of blockchain solutions.
The Proof Token Operates on an Open Ledger
Which Makes the Anyalitics Easy to Follow for Every Transaction Within the DAO Ecosystem.
Tranparent Accountability Based on Consensus
The prototype of the Proof token is already live. We are interacting with the DAO and experimenting with the system,conducting reseach and development. All movements of the token are tracked in realtime on an open ledger. Community members are loading up their digital wallets. The adoption speed is breathtaking.
Strategic Partners & Sponsors
This is a flyer stand at the POS in a retail shop. They use the PROOF coin to generate sales and engage their clients with an interactive coupon.
Think of it as “sky-miles” that you gain by using your Visa card. It’s a blockchain rewards system that can be utilized as a programable marketing tool to incentivize growth within the ecosystem.
Strategic Partner Gold Member
on all
present 500 PROOF tokens to claim discount